Prairie Creek HOA Board Meeting Minutes


Present: John, Steve, Dale, Heather, Kristy, Molly

Absent: Kelly, Ryan

1. Dues

a. We will set delinquent interest at 18%

2. Covenants

a. Are covenants updated?

i. Not currently; we do not have an editable version and the document needs to be converted.

b. Who will get these registered with county?

3. Storm Water, any updates

a. We do not know if Phase 3 is apart of the agreement with Gorman

i. Steve will reach out to Matt Geiger (realtor for Gorman) to see if he can tell us

b. Gorman states that they did not collect any money for the Storm Water Maintenance. Currently the Board is aware of a $68 charge per household (paperwork of individual households has been seen.)

c. We need to set a baseline to work from for this. We do have an As-built document from Gorman to work from.

d. Dale and Steve will continue to work on this.

4. New Neighbor welcome process

a. We all would like to do some kind of welcome committee/basket to welcome new neighbors in the HOA

b. Budget would be slim; perhaps we could get coupons from local businesses

c. We are aware of neighbors selling currently with the HOA paperwork coming from realtors

d. If you have ideas please let Steve know

5. Public meeting to be reschedule for fall

6. HOA payment update

a. 61 homes have not paid yet; payment deadline is April 15.

b. Send reminder prior to the deadline

c. Put a message on Next Door to let neighbors know that payments are due

d. Any households that do not pay by April 15 will get a certified letter sent to them

7. Pending ACC requests

a. None currently

b. What will we do as a Board for those neighbors that do not go through the ACC process?

i. If they get a permit then the Village will direct them to us for approval

ii. We do not want to be policing the neighborhood. If a complaint comes in we will address it at that time.

1. We will follow the covenants as to what the process is

8. Purchase Insurance policy

a. Now that we have funds we will purchase an insurance policy

i. Steve will obtain another quote and bring it to the Board

9. More changes to the covenants

a. Parking multiple cars, trailers, campers

10. Enforcement of Covenants

a. Retain Legal Counsel

i. We may not need to put an attorney on retainer; we will talk with an attorney about pricing for different services we may need throughout the year

b. We will look to our contacts for counsel that we could use for this purpose

11. Bike path

a. Holes in the bike path along Scenic View

i. Dale will contact Village

12. Neighborhood Security

a. Additional street lights will have to be paid for by the neighborhood

b. Could we ask neighbors to keep exterior lights on overnight?

c. John will ask area Law Enforcement for tips to keep the neighborhood safer

13. Other topics

a. Reminder to neighborhood about ACC process and no swimming pools unless less than 18” of water or approved in-ground