Prairie Creek HOA Meeting Minutes

May 5, 2019

Present: Kelly Vant, Ryan Cox, John Davenport, Steve Strebel, Dale Nolden, Molly Ross, Kristy Baker

Absent: Heather Halvensleben

1. Review of last meetings minutes

2. Old Business

a. Insurance

i. Status of Quote

1. Need to have by-laws approved and published to get a quote

b. Website for the HOA

i. previewed by Board

c. Drainage maintenance

i. Document for review on Gorman website

ii. Have not gotten through to the Village to find out if a new document was filed with them; Dale will talk to the Village about this

d. Sheds and Pools

i. Resin sheds

1. The group is considering allowing these but we need criteria for approving them. Some look to be of lesser quality and how to discriminate these from the higher quality sheds.

ii. Pools

1. Crafted wording for the proposal of pools for the covenants

e. Bank Account

i. Reviewed information from Park Bank

ii. We will look into opening a business account

f. Trees along bike path on Snowy Ridge Trail

i. No update; Dale will talk to the Village about this

3. Topics for 1st public meeting (May 13 at 6:30pm-8pm Windsor Elementary)

a. Proposed budget - $75/household annually

i. Insurance $2300

ii. Website $362

iii. Bank account fees - Free as long as we keep a $1500 balance

iv. Miscellaneous supply expenses $500

b. Drainage maintenance

c. Sheds and Pools

i. Sheds and pools are currently PROHIBITED in the Prairie Creek

ii. HOA Board will release a suggestion for the language change regarding sheds to be discussed in the May 13 meeting

1. A survey may be needed to get a grasp on the need for changes for this

iii. Current proposal for above ground pools:

B-21) In ground swimming pools are allowed with approval of ACC.   Permanent above ground swimming pools that are taller than 4 feet require approval from the ACC. Size, location and color of pool are part of the approval process.

Temporary above ground pools (less than 4 feet tall) designed to be taken down each year are allowed but these pools will be required to be dismantled and stored between October 1 and May 1 of following year.  

4. New Business

a. None discussed