Prairie Creek Homeowners Association Meeting
March 6, 2023 - 7:00pm
Harvest Intermediate School
6781 North Towne Rd
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call of board members
a. In attendance: Steve Strebel, Jon Yaskal, Kristy Baker, Dale Nolden, John Davenport, Keith Black
b. See below for role call of HOA members in attendance.
III. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes
a. Approved with no changes.
IV. Special election update
a. Email Steve Strebel if interested. One position to fill. Election to follow if multiple candidates apply.
V. Presentation of Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report
i. Dues payment update
1. 2023 Fee due no later than April 1st.
2. Current balance in chauffeurs: $9,892.43 with 26 people having paid their $35.00 dues for 2023.
b. Committee Reports
i. Welcome baskets – One neighbor to deliver to/get contact info.
ii. Future basket requests – Inquiring if former board member Kaite Selz would be interested in creating these for future neighbors.
c. Storm Water Committee
i. Five volunteers selected to monitor the basins spring/fall. Additional inspections to be held after large rain events.
ii. Email from Village of Windsor sent to remind neighbors that no dumping of any kind is allowed in the green space.
iii. Mowing or any modification to the green space is done at your own risk and up to Village of Windsor enforcement.
VI. Old Business
a. Tree pruning update
i. Home owner responsibility to trim their terrace trees that have branches of the sidewalk.
b. Revised covenant discussion by board and members present
i. No objections to proposed changes except parking (private & commercial vehicles, trailer, boats, campers, & RVs).
ii. Follow up will be needed to present the old HOA covenant versus the proposed Village of Windsor ordinance.
1. Size restrictions, length of time, location, substrate of parking pad, etc.
iii. Proposal about raising chickens. Not allowed under the current covenant. Possible vote in the future.
a. New proposed covenant language by board.
VIII. Open Forum for new topics. Speakers must observe proper behavior and rules of decorum.
IX. Next Meeting set for Monday May 1, 2023
X. Adjourn
HOA Members In Attendance:
Dee Wetzel
Susan & Steve Danner-Rivers
Dan Selz
Kalvin Olig
Scott Ziegler
Gene Ackerman
Herald Schulz
Shawn Schaefer
Colin Mehlum
Colleen & Tom Wilson
Austin Nolden
Matt & Heather Marks
Becky Nolden
Penny and Jamie Noble
Alex Hill
Troy & Kelly Vant
Casey & Matt Ohmen
Marie King
Brad Hurlebaus
Peter Borkowski
Gordon Stebbings
Mark Aasve