Prairie Creek Homeowners Association Meeting
March 18, 2024 - 7:00pm
Harvest Intermediate School
6781 North Towne Rd
Agenda in Black, Minutes in Italics
I. Call to Order
Meeting began at 7:00 pm
II. Roll Call/determination of quorum.
Present: Steve Strebel, Kristy Baker, Jon Yaskal, Dan Selz
Absent: John Davenport, Keith Black
4 of 6 present so quorum is meet.
One neighbor present
III. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes
One comment that we needed to change the word Agenda to Minutes for clarity. Previous minutes were approved.
IV. Presentation of Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report
i. Dues update
22 neighbors still owe for 2024. A new email will be sent.
Some concern over the need to raise dues was received and discussed. The board restated its position that we need a solid base to cover any potential legal fees.
b. Committee Reports
i. Storm Water
Steve discussed concerns about being able to meet current review requirements. Last year he was not able to get the team out before the grasses became too high. We have our volunteers for this year and will work to do an early spring and maybe a fall review. At this time, we have seen no issues with the storm basins changing.
ii. Bylaws rewrite
Jon and John reviewed the bylaws between meetings and board reviewed the proposed changes. Some highlights that were adjusted were definition of Annual meeting and restated it will be last meeting of the year. Definition of quorum was listed as over half the directors. We will remove the fixed language of what is required to be submitted to run for a board position. We moved some sections to different headers. Added a section on board member attendance requirements. Remove mention of the Architectural Control Committee to Board of Directors. Change certification names to President and Vice President. The changes to the bylaws were put to a vote.
c. Village updates
Windsor has not hired a Code Enforcement person. Conservancy Director responsibilities have bee forwarded to Public Works department. They are working on a plan to control invasive weeds and keep prairies healthy. Any comments or concerns for the village should be made on the village website using the service request form. We still have a few issues in our neighborhood that we feel need to be addressed by the village. We will continue to push them.
V. Old Business
a. HOA Insurance policy
Dan looked into changing our insurance vendor to save money. He was able to find the same coverage with Auto Owners which was $320 less expensive. Board reviewed and voted to approve the change. Dan will move forward with this switch.
V. New Business
Jon Yaskal has been investigating our current website fees and functionality. He feels we are paying a lot more than the functionality we need. Our website is due to be renewed on 4-17. He will talk with vendor to renew on a month-to-month basis as we look for a different carrier.
VII. Open Forum/Public Appearances - Speakers must observe proper behavior and rules of
No open forum comments.
VIII. Next Meeting – May 13th
Future meetings September 9th, November 11th .
IX. Adjourn