Prairie Creek Homeowners Association Meeting
September 11, 2023 - 7:00pm
Held At Harvest Intermediate School
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call of board members
a. In attendance: Steve Strebel, Jon Yaskal, John Davenport.
III. Review and Approval of Last Meeting.
a. Could not approve minutes due to lack of quorum
IV. Presentation of Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report
i. Activities and Balance
1. HOA Account: $10,046.96
ii. Dues payment update
1. Two neighbors have not paid their dues, 4435 Snowy Ridge & 4439 Snowy Ridge
iii. Storm Water Committee – Will try to conduct evaluation once/year in early spring before growth gets to tall.
iv One new neighbor at 4471 Brookview Ct.
V. Old Business
a. Covenant Change Survey:
i. Parking of recreational vehicles, boats, and Trailers.
1. Thirty nine households responded to the survey. Of the three options that were sent out in the survey the alternative options was the favorite by three votes of the second place option which was the Village Ordinance. The current covenant language received the least number of votes. (see attached)
b. Dues issues - Steve will continue to follow up with the two addresses for non-compliance.
c. Entrance sign – Discussed applying weed killer to mitigate the weed growth. Also discussed contacting the Village regarding the maintenance issue as the entrance sign is actually on Village property.
VI. New Business
a. Plans for moving forward on off street parking section of covenant.
i. Board will come up with language to be sent out to the neighborhood for a vote.
VII. Next Meeting set for Monday November 6, 2023 at Harvest Intermediate.
VIII. Adjourn