Prairie Creek HOA Meeting Minutes for March 15, 2021

Present: Steve Strebel, John Davenport, Dale Nolden, Kristy Baker, Katie Selz, Mark Aasve, Ryan Cox

Absent: Jon Yaskel

1)      Welcome new member Katie Selz

2)      Election of new Secretary

i)        Voted Katie Selz for Secretary

3)      Website responsibilities

i)        Molly changed name over to HOA- Ryan learned webpage and will be the WebMaster

(1)    Ryan will take care of emails and payments

ii)       Google Issues- logging into HOA Email – Molly working on issues

4)      VP election results- Ryan Cox HOA VP

5)      Dues update

i)        Waiting for payment from 14 – Steve will reach out personally

6)      Treasures Report

i)        $9433.50 current balance

ii)       Insurance Due in May - $1865

7)      Pool and 3 season addition request.  Planning Commission Meeting update.

i)        Village Approved – HOA Approved

ii)       3 Seasons- structurally fits with house – board all in agreement

8)      Shed Proposal

i)        Waiting for it to come back to the HOA for review

9)      Storm Water subcommittee report

i)        Volunteers to monitor storm water management

10)   Outstanding Neighbor Issues

i)        April and May Deadlines set to comply with

11)   Entrance sign Beautification committee

i)        Check interest of neighborhood for volunteers to plant and maintain flowers

12)   Summer Temporary Pool Policy

i)        Add link with temporary pool policy on website- Ryan Cox

13)   Update on New forms for project submissions

i)        John Y. working on new forms for project requests

14)   Neighborhood Meeting?

i)        Suggestion of hosting a Zoom meeting in May or in person meeting in June

15)   New Neighbor Welcome package

i)        Information from the Village to put information together including coupons from local businesses

ii)       Acquire new neighbors contact information and let them know about HOA and Nextdoor site.

iii)     Katie and Ryan – interested in working on the welcome package and delivering to new neighbors

16)   Rewrite of Covenant Meeting

i)        Meeting to review at the end of April