Prairie Creek HOA Board Meeting

Present: Steve, Dale, Kristy, John, Molly, Jon, Mark

1. Discussion of Storm Water Management

2. Outstanding Shed Proposal

a. Asked Homeowner for additional pdf – no response

b. Need to know anchoring/flooring, placement and color

i. Molly will reach out

3. Financials

a. Kristy and Steve compiled financials

i. 2020 financials posted at the end of these minutes

b. 2021 Dues sent out

i. 5 neighbors without emails

1. We will get them all letters to pay their dues for 2021

4. Outstanding Neighbor Issues

a. Progress on-going – deadline pushed to spring

5. Path

a. Being plowed (by village?)

b. Dale to ask the village if they are performing the task

6. Website

a. Christmas pictures

b. 2020 Meeting Minutes added

2020 Financials


HOA Dues $7,584.24

Pool Security Deposit $620.24

Total $8,204.48


Repayment of pool security deposit $450.00

Repayment to Steve for Rental $50.00

Website Fees $783.00

Lawyer Fees $1,875.00

Candy Donation $100.00

Checks $22.50

Certified letters $24.60

Insurance payment $1,865.00

Total $5,170.10

Balance $3,034.38