Prairie Creek Homeowners Association Meeting
May 1, 2023 - 7:00pm
Harvest Intermediate School
6781 North Towne Rd
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call of board members
a. In attendance: Steve Strebel, Jon Yaskal, Kristy Baker, Dale Nolden, Keith Black.
b. Absent: John Davenport
c. See below for role call of HOA members in attendance.
III. Review and Approval of Last Two Meeting’s Minutes from March 6th and April 18th.
a. Approved
IV. Special election update
a. Two interested candidates, but no official applications/bids
b. If interested please email Steve Strebel
V. Presentation of Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report
i. Activities and Balance
1. HOA Account: $11,716.59
2. Website Payment: $404.00
3. HOA General Liability Insurance: $2,191.00
ii. Dues payment update
1. 18 Neighbors yet to pay $35.00 annual due. Notices being sent.
iii. IRS document for HOAs
1. 1120-H form submitted annually.
b. Storm Water Committee
i. Five volunteers appointed. First inspection yet to come once weather improves.
ii. Inspected bi-annually and after large rain events.
VI. Old Business
a. Tree pruning update.
i. Home owners responsibility. Sent email to HOA if neighbor in violation.
ii. Trees should be trimmed 6-7’ off sidewalk.
b. Revised covenant discussion and suggested plan to move forward.
i. Survey being sent to neighbors on proposed changes (other than parking) this week.
ii. New and old document (with track changes) will be sent prior to survey to review.
iii. Will be able to vote “Yay” or “Nay” to changing to the proposed covenant. 66%, of parties that participate, will be needed to replace the old covenant with the new. If this is not voted in, the old covenant will remain in effect.
c. Entrance sign.
i. No changes at this year.
VII. New Business
a. Plans for moving forward on off street parking section of covenant.
i. Survey to be sent out to get neighbor feedback on three proposed plans
ii. Options:
1. Keep the ordinance as written
2. Change to Village of Windsor ordinance as written
3. Modified version – Middle ground between the two.
iii. Discussion around proposed wording & additional considerations:
1. Vote on if there should be a change at all to off street parking section.
2. Add language about boats? Fall under Recreational Vehicle and/or Trailers.
3. Add a permit requirement for neighbors that would like to keep camper/trailer in driveway all summer? Refunded when same is moved to off site storage by outlined time.
4. All utility/small trailers stored on side yard, or back, to be inside four foot fence?
5. Variance for longer time allotment when a project takes longer than expected and outlined time frame?
6. Temp use of open trailers to store project materials (Landscaping & construction supplies).
7. Any variance from village ordinance would require HOA funds to enforce. Limitations due to funds available.
8. 4th option to add only additional time for registered vehicles to be parked in driveway.
9. Trailers not allowed to be parked in street when not attached to a vehicle.
b. Village update on fireman’s park
i. Fencing off of the entire area to include parking lot and drive into parking lot.
ii. Parking to be on streets around park and accessed through bike path.
iii. Requests for additional patrols from local PD during events due to heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
VIII. Open Forum for new topics. Speakers must observe proper behavior and rules of decorum.
a. Approved home projects so far in 2023:
i. 3/8/23: Three Season Room – 4379 Scenic View
ii. 4/24/23: Basketball Court – 4323 Snowy Ridge
iii. 5/1/23: Brick Patio – 4438 Snowy Ridge
b. Push village to do a controlled burn in the conservancy. Large amount of dried grass and weeds built up. Email to follow to all neighbors to petition village of Windsor to complete this next spring.
IX. Board in Private Session
X. Next Meeting set for Monday September 11, 2023 at Harvest Intermediate.
XI. Adjourn
XII. HOA Members In Attendance:
a. Lee Dietrich
b. Travis & Kayla Rotar
c. Dan Selz
d. Scott Zuehler
e. Jared Strange
f. Loren & Pam Asche
g. Colin Mehlum
h. Mark Aasve
i. Troy Vand
j. Brad Hurlenaus
k. Regina Hurlebaus