Prairie Creek HOA Board Meeting

Monday, February 21st, 2022

Attendance: Steve Strebel, John Davenport, Katie Selz, Dale Nolan

1. Entrance Sign:
a. Discussed quote from Earthscapes Mark Received
b. Power to run lights, $25 per month approx. (meter rental fee $18 per month, approx.
$10 for electricity
c. John Davenport- Brien’s Lawncare LLC- Mark will contact for a quote. John has a
electrician to contact

2. Website:
a. Owe Molly $404 for website
b. Reviewed convenance to make sure they are up to date including sheds
c. Profile and Pictures of Board Members

3. HOA Approval
a. Make a record to post for the month showing address, what is being reviewed and
approved or not. Review at HOA meetings and add to website for public viewing.
b. Letter of approval – adding an expiration date of when the approval will expire. 1 year

4. Storm water conversation to come in a few months

5. Neighborhood meeting – In Person – May – Windsor Elementary, discuss at next meeting

6. Welcome Basket- Katie will start putting together, reach out to neighbors if they want to include
information in the basket or flyer including services, products, etc.

7. DeForest / Windsor Village Contacts to see what is going on in our community and future
growth, commercial, residential, etc.

8. Next Meeting, March 14th, 2022