Prairie Creek Homeowners Association Meeting

November 13, 2023 - 7:00pm

Held At Harvest Intermediate School




I.                    Call to Order


II.             Roll Call of board members

a.       In attendance: Steve Strebel, Jon Yaskal, Dale Nolden, John Davenport.

b.       Absent:  Kristy Baker, Keith Black


III.           Review and Approval of Last Meeting.

a.       Could not approve  due to no copies available  


IV.                Presentation of Reports

a.       Treasurer’s Report

                      i.      Activities and Balance

1.       HOA Account: $10,988.83 + $75. Late fees, total:  $11,063.83

                     ii.      Dues payment update

1.   All members have paid their dues.


V.                  Old Business

a.       Discussion on final language for off street parking:

           i.      Board voted (4-0) to send out the proposed alternative language for B-3 Vehicle and/or Equipment Storage to Association membership for vote. Board also approved to delete “brick pavers”, under B-3, first bullet point. (This language received the most votes of the three language options that were voted on by membership.)

b.       Dates for distribution of ballets – Within the first week of December.

c.       VP Jon Yaskal has reached out to the Village Board to have the Village hold people accountable for Village Ord. Violations. He was told that the person hired by the Village Board for code enforcement was no longer employed. The Board member was still encouraged to hold violators accountable. HOA Board will continue to pursue accountability from the Village Board.


VI.                New Business

a.       Budget projections for 2024.

                          i.    Web page, insurance premium, attorney fees

b.     Set dues for 2024.

         i.            Board voted 4-0 to increase annual dues to $50. Notices will go out January 1st. Board members felt the fees should be raised primarily due to the fact that should it become necessary to pursue legal recourse for non compliance of HOA covenants additional funds would be needed to cover lien filing fees and/or attorney fees.

c.       HOA Board will have two open seats and two incumbent seats to be voted on.

d.       Selection schedule will be sent out by December 15th.

e.       HOA Board will meet every other month in 2024.


VII.              Next Meeting set for 7pm, Monday January 8, 2024 at Harvest Intermediate.


VIII.            Adjourn