Prairie Creek HOA Meeting Minutes for March 13
Present: Kelly Vant, Heather Halvensleben, John Davenport, Steve Strebel, Dale Nolden, Molly Ross, Ryan Cox
Absent: Kristi Baker
1. Old Business
a. Board Positions
i. President – Steve Strebel
ii. Vice President – Heather Halvensleben
iii. Treasurer – Kristi Baker
iv. Secretary – Molly Ross
b. Board Position duties
i. President
1. Set meeting agendas
2. Lead meetings
3. Be the primary contact for the HOA Board
4. Approve all meeting minutes
5. Back up for HOA bank account
ii. Vice President – tabled to this meeting
1. Assist President with their duties
2. Be the designee when the President is unavailable
iii. Treasurer
1. Collect HOA dues
2. Be primary name on HOA bank account
3. Keep overall books for HOA payments and expenses paid
iv. Secretary
1. Set up HOA email
2. Set up HOA website
3. Take meeting minutes
4. Send agendas for meetings to HOA members
c. Miscellaneous Topics
i. Dale will look into whether the Board needs liability insurance and if so the cost of such insurance
1. Several forms to fill out to obtain a quote – one for information about the neighborhood, forms for the board members, etc.
2. Reviewed Wolf Hollow HOA information
3. Ryan will contact Wolf Hollow HOA to inquire about attorney retainer
4. Steve will begin filling out forms
ii. Kelly will look into different locations to have public meetings
1. Deforest Library will hold approx 75 people – free
2. Neighborhood Center - $50/use
3. The board would like to keep the meetings in Windsor if possible
iii. Molly will look into the cost of a website for the HOA
1. Hosting a website costs approx. $120-$150/year
iv. Email will be set up for HOA for members to contact the board and for ACC requests to be submitted
1. Email was set up by Steve but some residents were not able to get into the group.
2. Will look to get one set up with website if we go that way
2. New Business
a. Board Position lengths of service
i. Current members will be on for two years
ii. Will decide on a schedule for staggering terms to ensure consistency
b. Regularly scheduled meetings
i. Yes; 1st Sunday of the month at 6pm – 730pm
3. Next meeting
a. April 7 – Strebel’s House
4. Topics for 1st public meeting
a. May 13 at 6pm-8pm Windsor Elementary
b. Sheds
i. Send survey to residents for feedback to share at meeting
1. Molly to come up with survey
c. Proposed budget
d. Drainage maintenance