Prairie Creek Homeowners Association Meeting
November 7, 2022 - 7:00pm
Harvest Intermediate School
6781 North Towne Rd
I. Called to Order
II. Roll Call
a. Present – Steve Strebel, Jon Yaskal, Kristy Baker, Dale Olden, John Davenport, Mark Aasve
b. Absent – Katie Selz
III. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes
a. Approved with addition of members not present
IV. Presentation of Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report
i. $9168 in savings
ii. Large annual expenditures are insurance and website
b. Committee Reports
i. Welcome baskets
1. Deliveries were divvied up and baskets will be collected from Katie
ii. Storm Water
1. Discussion of how to handle this moving forward
a. Volunteer monitoring/documentation
b. Seek a survey from a professional organization
c. Decided to continue without survey
2. Invasive plants (willow) noted
a. Urge homeowners to report to village
c. Village updates
i. Peliterri is new garbage vendor
1. New garbage and recycling day will be every Thursday
2. Pick up of old containers starting week of Jan 2
ii. Village will be sending out new recycling center stickers
iii. Updates and revitalization of Fireman’s Park coming soon
V. Old Business
a. Covenant updates
i. Discussed changes that were made
1. Exhibit B needs to be removed
2. In-ground pool language needs to be added
3. Approval tabled pending updates
VI. New Business
a. 2023 Budget
i. 2023 HOA fees
ii. Set to $35 by unanimous vote
b. 2023 Elections
i. 3 open positions
ii. Email to be sent to homeowners soon
VII. Open Forum.
VIII. Next Meeting
a. 1/23
b. 3/6
IX. Adjourn